Wörtliches >> Falscher Freund - Bachelorpräsentation 2013 , Objekt, Sockel mit Löchern und Fotos auf innerem Leuchtkern
Auf semantischer Ebene wird hier das Phänomen der absoluten false friends / Falschen Freunde / faux amis verhandelt. Der Sockel, der normalerweise die Kunst trägt und selbst nur Nebensache ist, wird zur Hauptsache. Bei näherer Betrachtung fallen evtl. die 4 Löcher darin auf. Diese liegen nicht auf dem Betrachterstandpunkt, sondern in weniger bequemer Hüfthöhe, so dass der Betrachter einerseits förmlich in die Knie gezwungen wird, andererseits, um Erkenntnis zu gewinnen, sich auch mal verbiegen muss und einen anderen Standpunkt einnehmen muss, so wie es die Phänomenologen gewohnt sind. Schaut man nun durch eines der Löcher in das Innere des vermeintlichen Sockels, so sieht man den Schriftzug eines Wortes, wie z.B. Tabak. Die Schrift wiederum ist transparent, so dass man durch sie hindurchschauen und das dahinter liegende Bild im illuminierten Kern des Sockels betrachten kann. Dieses Bild hat scheinbar nichts mit dem davorliegenden Wort gemein. Doch tatsächlich ist es der bildgewordene Referent des Wortes, nur in einer anderen Sprache. So bildet Tabak einen Teller ab, welcher aber Signifikat des Signifikanten tabak im Türkischen ist.
false friends
This work is one of the semantical examinations ralating to the phenomenon of false friends (homographic word pairs in two different languages which have diverging references of meanings). This piece looks like a socle. Usually it's only function is to carry art, but not in this case. The socle as a minor matter becomes the principal thing. At a close look we might light on the 4 peepholes. Their point of view, arranged at hip-height, is not convenient for the viewer. It literally brings them to their knees. Otherwise to get knowledge you sometimes need to bend to get another point of view, like the fenomenologs are used to do. If you look inside of one of the spyholes into the inner of the assumed socle, you see the writing of a word (in this case german language) like tabak = tabacco (in english language it could also be the word gift, wich is an english-german false friend. The meaning of the german word gift in english is poison). The writing it self is transparent so you can look through the word and see the image of a plate behind in the illuminated core. The image apparently has nothing to do with the word in font, but actually it has. It is the signified of the signifier of a homograf in another language. In fact the assumed german word tabak turns to be a foreign word wich pictures it's signified, in this case a turkish homograph.
false friends
This work is one of the semantical examinations ralating to the phenomenon of false friends (homographic word pairs in two different languages which have diverging references of meanings). This piece looks like a socle. Usually it's only function is to carry art, but not in this case. The socle as a minor matter becomes the principal thing. At a close look we might light on the 4 peepholes. Their point of view, arranged at hip-height, is not convenient for the viewer. It literally brings them to their knees. Otherwise to get knowledge you sometimes need to bend to get another point of view, like the fenomenologs are used to do. If you look inside of one of the spyholes into the inner of the assumed socle, you see the writing of a word (in this case german language) like tabak = tabacco (in english language it could also be the word gift, wich is an english-german false friend. The meaning of the german word gift in english is poison). The writing it self is transparent so you can look through the word and see the image of a plate behind in the illuminated core. The image apparently has nothing to do with the word in font, but actually it has. It is the signified of the signifier of a homograf in another language. In fact the assumed german word tabak turns to be a foreign word wich pictures it's signified, in this case a turkish homograph.